After Seeing Pokémon TCG’s Glory Of Team Rocket Merch, I’m Convinced It’s Going To Be The Card Game’s Biggest Set Ever

The Pokémon Trading Card Game‘s upcoming release of Glory of Team Rocket has led to some incredible merchandise being created, suggesting it is well on its way to becoming one of the most popular sets ever. Of course, it is far from unusual for the Pokémon TCG‘s new releases to be accompanied by various pieces of themed merch, but Glory of Team Rocket has undoubtedly gone beyond the norm. To me, this suggests that interest in the set and its new peripheries will be much higher than normal, even when considering how popular the game is already.

There has been plenty of interesting merch for the Pokémon TCG in recent years, often themed after a prominent Pokémon from a specific expansion. Naturally, this means that the products can easily appeal to both players and collectors alike, whether to cultivate a specific aesthetic in matches or simply to own and display. However, the reveal of Glory of Team Rocket has brought with it a new line of merch that has grown notably beyond the standard list of products.

Glory Of Team Rocket Comes To Japan In April

Its Villainous Theme HAs Made It The TCG’s Most Anticipated Set In A Long Time

It is worth noting that Glory of Team Rocket is not actually an English TCG set, although its cards will be coming to the West in due course. The new set will be released in Japan on April 18 2025, and as the name suggests it will revolve entirely around the franchise’s first villainous team. Glory of Team Rocket is then being translated into English to become part of the Pokémon TCG‘s Destined Rivals expansion, which is due to release a month later on May 30.

Pokémon belonging to notable characters like Cynthia and Ethan will also be a part of the Destined Rivals expansion.

Building on the reintroduction of Trainer’s Pokémon cards, Glory of Team Rocket will itself feature Rocket’s Pokémon, including Mewtwo ex. The set being mixed into Destined Rivals arguably dilutes the heavily focused theme it carries, for better or worse, but at the very least its contents will remain available. Moreover, its merchandise will still exist for anybody willing to purchase it, creating a perfect complement to a deck based around the more villainous cards.

The New Merch Is Exciting For The Pokémon TCG

The New Rocket-Themed Accessories Will Undoubtedly Be Incredibly Successful

As reported by PokéBeach, there is a notable range of Japanese merchandise being produced to coincide with Glory of Team Rocket. Although Mewtwo does appear on a couple of these products, the vast majority are instead themed after Team Rocket itself, colored pitch black with the team’s red ‘R’ logo. It is a simple but striking design that immediately stands out from the many more intricate Pokémon-based designs that have been produced over the years, evoking a subtly ominous image like the villainous organization itself.

RelatedThe Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals set is looking to already topple Prismatic Evolutions, but that may prove a hindrance for the beloved franchise.

However, the one product that immediately captured my attention is also the most exclusive of all; a black, Rocket-branded attaché case that comes with 30 booster packs and which can store accessories like deck boxes. It is extremely cool piece, and I love the image of bringing one to a tournament. However, it will also be hard to acquire, being only available to winners of a lottery, and then costing 14,900 yen ($100). Still, that will only make the case more coveted, and it is easy to see the other, more plentiful accessories selling just as well.

Although Glory of Team Rocket will only be one part of Destined Rivals, the fact that it exists as a separate expansion in Japan has given rise to some very exciting merchandise. Mechanically, the set will provide many cool cards for Destined Rivals, but its accessories are immediately attractive in their own right. This merch is among the coolest that I have ever seen produced for the Pokémon Trading Card Game, and will undoubtedly drive Glory of Team Rocket to a level of popularity far higher than other recent sets.

Source: PokéBeach

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