Exclusive | NFL Teams Gathered Detailed Consumer Data Without Standard Notice or Opt-Outs

Digital data, including information about consumers’ precise movements and locations, was shared with ad-tech vendors

Cleveland Browns quarterback Bailey Zappe. The team’s app didn’t warn fans that their geolocation data may be shared with advertisers before an investigation by the Digital Advertising Accountability Program, an ad industry watchdog group. Photo: Greg Fiume/Getty Images

A combination of websites and apps for all 32 teams in the National Football League collected detailed data from consumers without directly informing them that their data could be used for targeted advertising or providing them with clear ways to opt out, according to a new report from the Digital Advertising Accountability Program, an industry watchdog.

Information collected by third-party ad-tech vendors included online behavioral data and geolocation data, which may be used by advertisers or other parties to determine the exact locations and movements of an individual’s phone or other mobile device.

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