Total lunar eclipse will grace the skies Thursday night/Friday morning, but so will clouds

PORTLAND, Ore. (KATU) — The Moon will take a long dip into Earth’s shadow Thursday night and into Friday morning in a total lunar eclipse, but clouds for viewers in the Pacific Northwest will likely block the view.

But for those who seek and find clear skies, the partial phase of the eclipse begins at 10:09 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. The total eclipse phase occurs from 11:25 p.m. to 12:32 a.m. That will mean about 65 minutes of totality!

This year’s total phase takes so much time because the Moon will be near its farthest point from Earth for the month, meaning it will appear smaller in the sky and, thus, take longer to complete its passage through our planet’s shadow.

Maximum eclipse is at 11:58 p.m. The eclipse ends at 1:47 a.m. Friday.

Total lunar eclipses occur during full moons. This is when the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up. Total eclipses don’t occur every month because the Moon’s orbit is tilted about five degrees above or below the path the sun travels in our sky.

OMSI had planned a lunar eclipse viewing party starting at 10 p.m. at the museum but canceled it because of the cloudy forecast and a 70% chance of rain.

“Hope for better weather for the next Total Lunar Eclipse on the morning of March 3, 2026! Clear Skies!” Jim Todd, OMSI’s space science director, said.

Eclipses are fantastic natural phenomenon to experience. The Moon doesn’t completely disappear during the total phase of the eclipse. Instead, it turns a red-orange color and is often referred to popularly as a “blood moon.” This is because the light from the sun passes through the Earth’s atmosphere and spills onto the surface of the Moon as that red color.

You don’t need a telescope or any special equipment to view a lunar eclipse. Just clear skies. Ugh! for those of us in the Portland area for this year’s event.

But Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles plans to livestream the eclipse if it has clear weather. Watch it below:

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